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Dyslexia Spelling = Phonetic Spelling + Creative Spelling
Style & Clarity could be helpful for ESL/ELL people
as well.

Ghotit Real Writer & Reader for Macintosh
Unique Offering for Macintosh Users.
Now Available Version 10.12
Perpetual License with 4-Year Upgrades & Support
License for 1 Computer
4 Year Long-Term Support & Upgrades
Offline – Network Independent Absolute Privacy
Additional (Second) License for the Same User Cad$ 139.00. Contact us for details.
Macintosh users can enjoy Ghotit’s powerful spelling and grammar checker, reading assistance and word prediction. Ghotit’s solutions are designed to assist people with dysgraphia, dyslexia or assist people with other writing limitations.
Ghotit Real Writer & Reader integrates fully with Macintosh applications. These include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Safari, Pages and other applications.
Ghotit Real Writer& Reader can be used as an independent, stand-alone text editor.
Contextual Spell Checker with unique intelligence
Ordinary spell checkers do not take into account the context
of the sentence the word is being used.
The context of a sentence can be leveraged to assist in the following:
Severe Spelling Error Correction
In the world of spell checking, the degree of how badly a word is misspelled is measured by the editing distance of the misspelled word to the intended word. The tradeoff is as follows: the longer the editing distance, the longer the list of candidate words that will be offered. Since ordinary spell checkers cannot properly grade the long list of alternatives, this long list is seen as adding “noise” to the spell checking algorithm. Ordinary spell checkers are tuned for people with mild spelling and typing mistakes, and therefore, prefer to offer a relatively short editing distance in order to minimize the list of candidate words.
Here context spell checking algorithms come to play. Once an effective context spell checking is introduced, a larger editing distance can be used since the spell checker can leverage the context of the sentence to optimize the suggested word list and remove the unwanted, out-of-context words.
Ghotit has developed an innovative context spell checker which is optimized for people with dyslexia, dysgraphia and other learning disabilities. Ghotit can leverage its context spelling engine to produce an internal long list of candidate words by defining a long editing distance, but then reduce this list and present to the user only the words that make sense in the context of the specific written sentence. High performance techniques were introduced in order to ensure that Ghotit’s context sensitive analysis does not affect user experience and does not introduce spell checking result delays.
Misused, Confused Word Correction
Ordinary spell checkers either do not or provide very limited identification of misused words. If a spell checker does not have or has very simplistic context spellchecking algorithms, then it simply can not identify misused words. Without appropriate context knowledge, the spell checker does not have any information to provide for a misused word, and will leave such words as unmarked. In such situations, the writer will not even know that he has errors in his writing.
Ghotit context spell checking algorithms have been targeted to effectively identify misused words. A word that is spelled correctly, but has been identified as a misused word according to the words’ sentence, will be marked as such, with a candidate list of words based on the exact context of the word.
Grammar Checker
Ghotit performs grammar and punctuation corrections. The corrections are performed using both grammar rules definitions and contextual spell checking algorithms that analyze the correct grammatical intention of the sentence based on the context of the sentence.
Split & Merge Words Correction
Many times users accidentally or not knowingly split words (e.g. “birth day” instead of “birthday”) or merge words (“oneday” instead of “one day”). Ghotit detects these errors and makes the appropriate suggestions.
Self Learning Algorithms
Ghotit is the only spell checker that actually learns from the input the user enters.This patented technology, enables a user to run the Ghotit spell checker, and after the user provides some inputs the user may request to re-run the Ghotit spell checker to receive more optimized results.
Ghotit Intelligent Word Prediction
Ghotit Word prediction is a feature in the Ghotit Real Writer for Microsoft Windows and helps a user in his writing by “predicting” a word the user intended to type. Predictions are based on spelling, context, grammar, syntax, and frequently/recently used words. The word prediction feature assists in the writing of kids and adults who struggle with writing correctly, as it enables them to write correctly with fewer keystrokes.
Ghotit’s word prediction provides highly accurate predictions, specifically when the writer is dyslexic or dysgraphic.
Integrated Text to Speech
Ghotit’s main objective is to enable bad spellers to write with confidence. Using Ghotit’s integrated Text-To-Speech features, users can have their written text read out loud to them. The users can then act as their own gatekeepers to ensure that what they have written is exactly what they intended to communicate. Ghotit has integrated the Text-To-Speech feature to different options of the Ghotit spell checker, including:
Integrated Dictionary
If you are a really bad speller then you usually have not only problems in writing but also in identifying a correct word from a list of words. Ordinary spell checkers offer you a list of candidate words. But if you are a bad speller, then you do not know for sure which word is the correct one. You need assistance in selecting the correct word. In order to overcome this hurdle, Ghotit has integrated its context spelling services with a dictionary, providing for each suggested word its meaning/s. This additional information provides the effective information for a bad speller to select the correct word from the suggested words list.
Google Docs Dyslexia-Friendly Editor
It’s a well-known fact, Google Docs, is a powerful tool. Unfortunately, people with dyslexia and dysgraphia have problems using it due to their reading and writing limitations.
Ghotit Real Writer and Reader acts as a simple-to-use editor which, integrated with Google Docs, solves their productivity problems. Ghotit’s writing and reading assistive technology including word prediction, context and phonetic spell checking, grammar and punctuation checking, text-to-speech including dual highlighting is tailor-made for their needs.
These capabilities are available both online and offline.
Screenshot Reader
Ghotit Real Writer&Reader 5 read aloud text from images or non-accessible documents.
Easy Accessibility
With Ghotit Real Writer & Reader 6 Floating Toolbar, users enjoy a one click access to Ghotit advanced Reading and Writing tools.
User Interface Personalization
Ghotit Real Writer and Ghotit Real Reader is a robust application that supports the needs of a variety of users, all along from primary school kids to graduate students and adults. Ghotit provides this wide –range usefulness by means of effective arsenal of tools.
Ghotit interface can easily be personalized offering each user a friendly solution.
Ghotit Real Writer & Reader for Macintosh V10
- Brand: Ghotit
- Product Code: Ghotit Real Writer & Reader for Macintosh V10
- Availability: In Stock
- Ex Tax: $499.00
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